Thanks to the generosity of our community, we raised approximately $100,000 and were able to distribute more than 4,800 boxes of fresh produce to Columbia Pike’s low-income residents from May to October 2020. With the growing season ending for our farmers, we have suspended this program for the winter.
We will continue to stay connected to our partners in the community and support ongoing efforts to battle food insecurity among Columbia Pike’s families.
Additional Food Assistance Programs
Arlington County maintains a list of various COVID-19 food assistance resources that are available throughout the County.
Arlington Food Assistance Center
Free weekly groceries for residents in need
Free breakfast & lunch for children ages 2-18
Home-delivered food service
About the Program
In discussions with our numerous partner organizations across Arlington County, it became clear that access to fresh food was becoming more difficult for Columbia Pike residents. While there are many amazing organizations and efforts underway to address this need, there were still significant barriers to access, including traveling to certain food distribution centers.
That’s why the Columbia Pike Partnership decided to work with our Columbia Pike Farmers Market vendors, partners, local pantries, and residential complexes to provide boxes of produce, fresh from the farm, directly to families in need on Columbia Pike.

Participating Vendors and Distribution Sites
Produce purchased from Penn Farm and Westmoreland Produce was distributed at Harvey Hall, Gilliam Place, and Our Lady Queen of Peace food pantry.
Thank You
Without your support, this program would not have been possible. Thank you to everyone who donated and helped us raise nearly $100,000 to feed our families in need on Columbia Pike!
Alison Acker
Susan Allen
Elia Ben-Ari
Arlington Presbyterian Church
Karen Baquedano
David Bark
Diana Baron
Jeffrey Bartos
Catherine Beard
Nora Bensahel
Hania Bisat
Collin Bradley
Nancy Brown
Kelli Bryan
Douglas Bush
Rebecca Campana
Dianne Carroll
Judith Cefkin
Nancy Checklick
Clarendon Animal Care
Doug Clarke
Susan Cohen
Vera Connolly
Eileen Conoboy
David Corsar
Hannah Craven
Gem Daus
Matthew de Ferranti
Charles Denney
Adam Van Deusen
Anne Doggett
Katherine Dunne
Nancy Duryea
Darla C Ellis Memorial Fund
Taryn Ernest
Virginia Farris
Lori Fischler
Jose Flores
Theresa Flynn
Rachael Fried
Margaret Gaffen
Michael Garcia, State Farm Insurance
John Andelin and Virginia Geoffrey
Pamela Gillen
Jonathan Goldberg
Cheryl Goodman
Ryan Gottschall
Christopher Gramza
Elizabeth Grove
Samantha Hafner
Frank Hardesty
Sherry Harowitz
Tracey Harp
Patricia Harris
Karen Hendrixson
Gail Hermosilla
Deborah Hill
Bryan Hodges
Pamela Holcomb
Susan Honaker
Cathy Hunter
Helena Hutton
Richard Johnson
Christopher Johnson
Catherine Johnson
Claire Kaufman
Evette Billye Keene
Henry Kilpatrick
John King
John Kirkpatrick
Samantha Knepper
Jacqueline Lawrence
Elizabeth Lien
Susi Lill
Maureen Locke
Nancy Lowenthal
Conor Lynch
Kelly Manzo
Rebecca Mashaw
Evin McAlister
Diane McConkey
Stacey McGraw
Michael McGuire
Barbara McKeough
Kathleen McSweeney
Margaret Miller
Paula Mora
Joan Morgan
Jennifer Morris
Jessica Tabler Mullis
Kai Musielak
Dawn Nelson
Rafael Nevarez
Adrienne Newman
Van-Paul Nguyen
Kimberly Owens
Chris Pagan
Stephanie Phelan
Michele L Ver Ploeg
Justin Porter
Morton Posner
Stefanie Pryor
Elizabeth Rapp
Kathleen Reeder
Stacy Rhodes
Albert Rios
Megan Roessing
Paula Roney
Lewis Roth
Marsha Semmel
Douglas & Melissa Sevier
Terri Shaffer
Christine Sheehy
John Sheil
Amelia Shuster
Grainne Sibley
Andrea Sigritz
Christine Simpson
Charissa Smith
Jodi Smith
John Snyder
Isabelle Stark
Diana Stropko
Stephanie Swierczek
Sharon Swinburne
Jessica Tabler
Frank Tapparo
Amy Tenhouse
Elizabeth Walter
Washington Forrest Foundation
Ben Winters
Patricia Zarodkiewicz
Dina Zeese
Jonathan Zuckerman